i)Yellow Bile ii)Black Bile iii)Blood iv)Phlegm Each movement of The Four Humours is based on one of the four medieval humours.European medieval medicine was built on the notion that the body was made up of four substances.An excess of any one of these led to a medical problem.The answer was to bring the body back into balance by draining some of the offending humour.Each one was also associated with one of the four elements thought to make up all things. The humours, their associated elements and the characteristics associated with them are:
Yellow Bile; Fire; Hot and Dry; violent, vengeful (Choleric)
Black Bile; Earth; Cold and Dry; gluttonous, lazy, sentimental (Melancholic)
Blood; Air; Hot and Moist; amorous, happy, generous (Sanguine)
Phlegm; Water; Cold and Moist; dull, pale, cowardly (Phlegmatic)
The Four Humours was commissioned by Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra for their 2003 tour of Austria.