i) 3 jigs ii) Neil Gows Lament on the Death of his Second Wife iii) Finale for String Orchestra
Movt 1/2 written 1998; movt 3 written 2001 First performance of movt 1 & 2: County Upper String Orchestra; Oct '98; Bury St Edmunds; First performance (movt 1, 2 & 3):Philomusica; March '02; St Marks Unitarian Church, Edinburgh Selected other performances: Philomusica (leader Lawrence Dunn) Edinburgh Fringe Festival; St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh; Aug '10 Philomusica (leader Lawrence Dunn); Community Woods; Perthshire; June '10 Philomusica (leader Lawrence Dunn); Neil Gow Festival, Dunkeld; Mar '10 Philomusica (leader Lawrence Dunn); Neil Gow Festival, Dunkeld; Mar '09 Nottingham Youth String Orchestra (cond. Angela Kay); Jan '09; St Marys Church, Radcliffe REVIEW York St Johns University String Orchestra; York; Apr '08 Philomusica (leader Lawrence Dunn); Newton Stewart Music Society; Mar '05 City of Edinburgh Music School String Orchestra (cond. Susan Emslie); Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh Renfrewshire Schools String Orchestra (cond. James Young) Edinburgh University String Orchestra (cond. Robert Dick); Reid Hall, Edinburgh Nottingham Youth String Orchestra (cond. James Lowe) Philomusica (leader Lawrence Dunn); St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh (Edinburgh Fringe Festival); Aug '02 REVIEW